Call For Paper International Seminar 2025 – Islamic Business Management in Interdisiplinary Perspective

Call For Paper, Internasional Seminar, 2025, Ekonomi Syariah, Perbankan Syariah, Manajemen Bisnis, Finance, Banking, Taxation, Accounting, Enterpreneurship

We invite you to participate in the Call for Papers for the International Seminar organized by STEBI Global Mulia with the theme : “Islamic Business Management in Interdisciplinary Perspective”

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Arif Iqbal Rana (Pro-Rector University of Lahore, Pakistan)
1. Dr. Yoyo Hambali, M.A.
2. Dr. Srikandi Utami
3. Finda Findiana, S.Sos., M.M.

Seminar Date: January 25, 2025
Time: 12.00 – 16.00 WIB

Abstract Submission Deadline: 24 January, 2025
Full Paper Submission Deadline: 08 February, 2025

We are accepting papers that align with the following sub-themes:
1. Economic
2. Management
3. Finance
4. Banking
5. Taxation
6. Accounting
7. Enterpreneurship

Papers that are accepted through the selection process will be published in the International Seminar Proceedings with an ISBN. Especially for call paper participants attendance at seminar is not mandatory.

Paper Submission Guidelines:
1. Papers should be written in English, Arabic, or any other foreign language, following the structure: Title, Author(s), Affiliation(s), Corresponding Email, Abstract, Keyword, Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, References.
2. Further information can be accessed at the contact number: 0896-3633-5094 (Anggi Setya Prayoga, S.Kom.MM.)
3. Contribution Fee Rp. 200.000,-

Bank Account Number: 5300101000771
Account Holder: STEBI Global Mulia
Bank Name: Bank Jawa Barat Syariah (BJBS)
Payment Deadline: 31 January, 2025

Call For Papers Registration Link:

International Seminar Registration Link:

For full paper files can be sent by email:

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